We need to get it together

The worst feeling is to be told there is an emergency, and to look around and see everyone sitting still and ignoring it. By writing I aim to contribute to us breaking out of this weird gaslighting situation with regards to the multiple crises we find ourselves in, most of all the climate emergency.

I’m hopeful

The ability of humans to talk to each other and share ideas is amazing. Not only that, but we can have a conversation and use that to make decisions. This is what democracy is, for me.

These letters are an exploration

I’ll be sharing my ideas and observations around once a week.

Who me?

I’m a journalist and student teacher, born in London and living in Sweden for the last 16 years. I’ve got degrees in history and media, and for the last 22 years I've been writing and editing for a range of publications, most recently as a radio reporter.

Twitter: @loukas_doula

Mastodon: <a rel="me" href="https://mastodon.nu/@Loukas">Mastodon</a>

Subscribe to True stories

Weekly thoughts about how storytelling and my other interests relate to facing the planetary climate crisis.


Journalist and student teacher in Sweden sharing my personals thoughts on the future and the past.